Title | Ocean State Forecast (General Circulation) |
Model Description | Forecast of ocean state variables such as surface currents, temperature and salinity are generated by a global HYCOM model. The atmospheric forcing (winds, radiation etc.) is taken from the NOAA's Global Forecast System. |
Horizontal resolution and Vertical levels | 0.25x0.25 and 30 levels |
Variables (units) |
Ocean Currents (m/s), Temperature (C), Salinity (PSU), Mixed Layer Depth (MLD; m), Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential (TCHP; J/m2) and Sea Surface Height (SSH; m)
Mixed Layer Depth (MLD): The MLD is computed based on a temperature criterion wherein the MLD is regarded as the depth at which the temperature drops to 0.8° C from its surface value (Kara et al. 2008).
Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential (TCHP): The TCHP is computed as the heat content between the sea surface and the 26° isotherm. Sea Surface Height (SSH): The SSH is the elevation of sea surface above the reference ellipsoid from the model. |
Domain |
Spatial Extent: 129.45 E - 154.75 W, 25.70 S - 18.00 N Pacific Island countries: (i) Cook Islands; (ii) Fiji; (iii) Kiribati; (iv) Republic of Marshall Islands; (v) Federated States of Micronesia; (vi) Nauru; (vii) Niue; (viii) Palau; (ix) Papua New Guinea; (x) Samoa; (xi) Solomon Islands; (xii) Tonga; (xiii) Tuvalu; and (xiv) Vanuatu |
Data provider | INCOIS (Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services) |
Keywords | Ocean physics |