Cruise No. EP02-1
Period of Cruise: 23 January - 08 February, 2015
Chief Scientist: B. Praveen Kumar, INCOIS, India.
The second multi-institutional research programme under IIOE-2 was taken up in the Bay of Bengal on board ORV Sagar Kanya. This cruise forms a part of the continuing Ocean Mixing and Monsoon (OMM) programme (2013-2017) aimed at understanding the upper ocean physics and air-sea interaction in the Bay of Bengal. The programme is supported by the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) under the National Monsoon Mission.
The overall goals of this cruise were to obtain
- basin-scale upper ocean measurements with ~1 km horizontal resolution and 1-2 m vertical resolution from ships and autonomous instruments, such as uCTD, Ship mounted ADCP, etc, and automated weather station to characterize the surface fluxes
- detailed measurements capable of resolving the physical processes controlling upper ocean stratification,
- Deployment of Argo floats and
- a multi-year record of hourly surface fluxes of momentum, heat, and moisture, as well as hourly measurements of upper ocean temperature, salinity, currents, subsurface light, turbidity, chlorophyll, oxygen and turbulence, from moorings at 18oN in the north Bay of Bengal.
The participants included scientists from INCOIS, the National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai (NIOT), Indian Institute of Science Bangalore (IISc), Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (IIT-Bhu), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT-Delhi), Space Applications Centre Ahmedabad (SAC), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad (TIFR), and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution USA (WHOI).
Cruise Summary Report List of Participants Photo Gallery

Planned Cruise Track