The IIOE-2's initiatives comprise the following elements to be supported by all National Partners:
Science & Research
Data & Information Management
Capacity development
Outreach & Communication
Translating Science for Society
As the funding for the IIOE-2 activities will be principally generated within each stakeholder country, the various elements of IIOE activities would be initiated and sustained by the concerned IIOE2 National Committees. The National Committees through the Stakeholders Group of IIOE-2 would ensure the handshaking of the National initiatives with the objectives of the IIOE-2.
The IIOE-2's research initiatives (eg EIOURI, WIOURI) form the major element of IIOE-2. In addition, National Missions and PI-driven 'projects' proposed and funded through traditional governmental funding agency and private-sector (e.g. foundation) sources, would constitute the national initiatives under IIOE-2. It is expected that many of the ongoing national and international long-term programmes (e.g. GEOTRACES, SIBER, RAMA mooring observations etc.) would be dovetailed into the research initiatives of IIOE-2, facilitating larger participation and more collaborative ventures. Many countries and national research institutions have already evinced considerable interest in contributing to the success of IIOE-2.