The principles underlying the structure and representativeness of the IIOE Steering Committee (SC) were first specified in the STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK for the implementation of IIOE-2.
The sponsors of IIOE-2 are IOGOOS, SCOR and UNESCO-IOC. Collectively these autonomous international bodies, each involved in the science in the Indian Ocean, takes responsibility for facilitating funding of the infrastructure of IIOE-2 including resourcing of the Project Office (PO) with node in India.
Working Procedure of the three Co-Chairs representing the three sponsors Download
Governance framework
A duly constituted Steering Committee (SC) sets the high-level policies and take responsibility for the delivery of the project over the 2015-2025 period (see Implementation Strategy).
IIOE-2 Project Office (PO)
The PO defines the nodal point network for IIOE-2 delivery and has day-to-day responsibility for the coordination & implementation of IIOE-2. The node of the PO have been established: in India (INCOIS, Hyderabad). The PO facilitates all aspects of IIOE-2, particularly the science and associated infrastructure as well as capacity building, operational coordination, outreach/communication, data/information management, etc.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee (SC) consists of a Core Group and a Stakeholder Group as structured below:
Steering Committee |
Core Group |
Vidar Helgesen v.helgesen[at]unesco[dot]org |
Sinjae Yoo sjyoo[at]kiost[dot]ac |
Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar srinivas[at]incois[dot]gov[dot]in |
Hermann Bange/Raleigh Hood(Co-Chairs WG01), E. Pattabhi Rama Rao/ Harrison O. Ong'Anda (Co-Chairs WG02), Rajan Sivaramakrishnan (Chair WG03), Aneesh Lotliker (PO), Johnson Kazungu (Chair, IOC Africa), Justin Ahanhanzo (Chair, IOCINDIO), Somkiat Khokiattiwong/Kentaro Ando (Co-Chairs IOC WESTPAC) | |||||
One representative (i.e. PI) per each 'major' IIOE-2 scientific research initiative, including a representative of the Early Career Scientists Network from the Capacity Development Working Group |
Chairs/ Co Chairs of the Science Themes, Working Groups and Representatives of Regional Bodies
Core Group
The Core Group comprises, besides the three Co-Chairs, an Executive level with one representative (leader) per each of the six Science Themes and each of the seven operational divisions (Working Groups) derived from the IIOE-2 Science Plan. In addition, the Executive is composed of representatives of key Indian Ocean-related IOC Regional Bodies and Committees and Head of the IIOE-2 Project Office.
WG-1: Science and Research
Prof. Hermann W. Bange (Germany)
Prof. Raleigh Hood (USA) rhood[at]umces[dot]edu
Core Group-
Dr. Halina T. Kobryn[Chair, ST-1], (Australia)
Prof. P N Vinayachandran [Co-Chair, ST-2], (India) vinay[at]caos[dot]iisc[dot]ernet[dot]in
Prof. Yukio Masumoto [Co-Chair, ST-2], (Japan)
Prof. Adrian Matthews [Co-Chair, ST-3], (UK) a.j.matthews[at]uea[dot]ac[dot]uk
Prof. Joaquim Goes [Co-Chair, ST-3], (USA) Jig[at]ldeo[dot]columbia[dot]edu
Dr. Amit Tandon [Co-Chair, ST-4], (USA) atandon[at]umassd[dot]edu
Dr. Helen Phillips [Co-Chair, ST-4], (Australia) h[dot]e[dot]phillips[at]utas[dot]edu[dot]au
Prof. Chari Pattiaratchi [Chair, ST-5], (Australia/Sri Lanka)
Dr. Roxy Mathew Koll [Chair, ST-5], (India)
Prof. Lynnath Beckley [Chair, ST-6], (Australia) l.beckley[at]murdoch[dot]edu[dot]au
Dr. Marie-Alexandrine Sicre [Chair, ST-6], (France) marie-alexandrine.sicre[at]locean[dot]ipsl[dot]fr
Prof. Adam Martiny (Denmark) amartiny[at]uci[dot]edu
Prof. Indra Jaya (Indonesia)
indrajaya[at]ipb[dot]ac[dot]id; indrajaya[dot]ipb[at]gmail[dot]com
Prof. Pere Masque (Spain/Australia) p.masque[at]ecu[dot]edu[dot]au
Mr. Volodymyr Iemelianov (Ukraine) eva[at]nas[dot]gov[dot]ua
Prof. Subrahmanyam Bulusu (USA) sbulusu[at]geol[dot]sc[dot]edu
WG-2: Data and Information Management
Mr. E. Pattabhi Rama Rao (India)
Dr. Harrison O. Ong'Anda (Kenya)
hochieng2003[at]gmail[dot]com , honganda[at]kmfri[dot]co[dot]ke
Dr. Roger Proctor (Australia)
Dr. Nelly Florida Rima (Indonesia) nelly[dot]florida[at]bmkg[dot]go[dot]id
Mr. Abdullah Bin Sulaiman (Malaysia) abdullah[at]jmg[dot]gov[dot]my
Prof. Ntahondi Mcheche Nyandwi (Tanzania) nyandwi[at]ims[dot]udsm[dot]ac[dot]tz
Dr. Roger Proctor (Australia)
WG-3: Capacity Development
Dr. Zainal Arifin (Indonesia)
Dr. Behrooz Abtahi (Iran) B_Abtahi[at]
Dr. Weidong Yu (China)
Dr. Werner Ekau (Germany) werner[dot]ekau[at]leibniz-zmt[dot]de
Dr. Dirhamsyah (Indonesia) dirh001[at]lipi[dot]go[dot]id; dirhamsyah[at]lipi[dot]go[dot]id
Dr. Sidney Thurston (USA) sidney[dot]thurston[at]noaa[dot]gov
Dr. Weidong Yu (China)
WG-4: Operational Coordination
Dr. Rajan Sivaramakrishnan (India)
Core Group-
Dr. Harrison O. Ong'Anda [Co-Chair, WG-2], (Kenya)
honganda[at]kmfri[dot]co[dot]ke; hochieng2003[at]yahoo[dot]com
Dr. Behrooz Abtahi [Co-Chair, WG-3], (Iran) B_Abtahi[at]sbu[dot]ac[dot]ir
Dr. Zainal Arifin [Co-Chair, WG-3], (Indonesia) Zain003[at]lipi[dot]go[dot]iD
Dr. Faiza Al-Yamani [Chair, WG-5], (Kuwait) faizayamani[at]gmail[dot]com
Dr. Rezah M. Badal [Chair, WG-6], (Mauritius) mrbadal[at]govmu[dot]org
Dr. Nick D'Adamo [Co-Chair, WG-7], (JPO, Perth) nick.dadamo[at]uwa[dot]edu[dot]au
Dr. Aneesh Lotliker [Co-Chair, WG-7], (JPO, Hyderabad) aneesh[at]incois[dot]gov[dot]in
Mr. N. Kiran Kumar (India) kirankumar[at]incois[dot]gov[dot]in
Dr. Nani Hendiarti (Indonesia)
nanihendi[at]gmail[dot]com; nani.hendiarti[at]maritim[dot]go[dot]id
Captain. Sergey Travin (Russia) unio_main[at]mi[dot]ru
Mr. Jim Costopulos (USA) jcostopulos[at]global-oceans[dot]org
Dr. Harrison O. Ong'Anda [Co-Chair, WG-2], (Kenya)
WG-5: Outreach and Communication
Chair:- Dr. Faiza Al-Yamani (Kuwait) faizayamani[at]
WG-6: Translating Science for Society
Chair:- Dr. Rezah M. Badal (Mauritius) mrbadal[at]
WG-7: Sponsorship and Resources
Dr. Nick D'Adamo (JPO, Perth)
Dr. Aneesh Lotliker(JPO, Hyderabad) aneesh[at]incois[dot]gov[dot]in
Chair:- Dr. Justin Ahanhanzo (France) j.ahanhanzo[at]unesco[dot]org
Chair:- Dr. Johnson Kazungu (Kenya) johnsonkazungu[at]yahoo[dot]com
Dr. Somkiat Khokiattiwong (Thailand) skhokiattiwong[at]gmail[dot]com
Dr. Kentaro Ando (Japan) Alternate andouk[at]jamstec[dot]go[dot]jp
Dr. Somkiat Khokiattiwong (Thailand) skhokiattiwong[at]gmail[dot]com
- Nominations yet to be received
Dr. Halina T. Kobryn[Chair, ST-1], (Australia)
Prof. Hermann W. Bange (Germany)
Stakeholder Group
This Group comprises (i) a Regional Coordination Level consisting of representatives of IIOE-2 'National Committees'; and (ii) a Science Delivery Level, with a leading scientist (typically the Chair or the PI) from each major science initiative endorsed/implemented under the IOE-2's science framework. The PO will communciate with and advise these Groups as necessary.
Dr. Lynnath E. Beckley
Murdoch University
Dr. Lynnath E. Beckley
Murdoch University
Chair:- The representative details are pending advice from the respective countries
Chair:- Jean-Francois Ternon jean-francois[dot]ternon[at]ird[dot]fr
Co-Chairs:- Dr. Birgit Gaye University of Hamburg birgit.gaye[at]uni-hamburg[dot]de
- Dr. Hermann Bange GEOMAR, Kiel hbange[at]geomar[dot]de
Dr. M. Ravichandran
Ministry of Earth Sciences
Dr. M. Ravichandran
Ministry of Earth Sciences
Chair:- The representative details are pending advice from the respective countries
Chair:- Prof. Yukio Masumoto University of Tokyo masumoto[at]eps[dot]s[dot]u-tokyo[dot]ac[dot]jp
Chair:- Dr. Dong-Jin Kang Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology djocean[at]kiost[dot]ac[dot]kr
Chair:- The representative details are pending advice from the respective countries
Chair:- Dr. Greg Cowie University of Edinburgh Dr.Greg.Cowie[at]ed[dot]ac[dot]uk
Chair:- Dr. Raleigh Hood University of Maryland rhood[at]umces[dot]edu
1. Dr. Rashid Sumaila
PI The University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC Canada IIOE2-EA01
2. Dr. P. N. Vinayachandran
PI IISc, Bengalru India IIOE2-EP01
3. Dr. M. Ravichandran
PI NCAOR, Goa India IIOE2-EP02 and IIOE2-EP03
4. Dr. Michael Roberts
PI Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa and National Oceanography Centre
5. Dr. Lynnath Beckley
PI Murdoch University Australia IIOE2-EP05 and IIOE2-EP06
6. Dr. Hermann Bange
PI GEOMAR, Kiel Germany IIOE2-EP07 and IIOE2-EP10
7. Dr. Charitha Pattiaratchi
PI University of Western Australia Australia, Perth IIOE2-EP08
8. Dr. Greg Cowie
PI University of Edinburgh UK IIOE2-EP09
9. Dr. Shaun Dolk
PI NOAA Global Drifter Program, FL USA IIOE2-EP11
10. Dr. Arvind Singh
PI Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad India IIOE2-EP12
11. Dr. Weidong Yu
PI The first Institute of Oceanography, Qingdao China IIOE2-EP13
12. Dr. Oleg Levchenko
PI P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow Russia IIOE2-EP14
13. Dr. Victor Neiman
PI P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow Russia IIOE2-EP15
14. Dr. Sunil K. Singh
PI Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad India IIOE2-EP16
15. Dr. R. Venkatesan
PI National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai India IIOE2-EP17
16. Dr. Bijoy Nandan Sivasankaran
PI Cochin University of Science and Technology India IIOE2-EP18
17. Dr. Katsuro Katsumata
18. Dr. TaeKeun Rho
PI Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Ansan Japan IIOE2-EP20
19. Dr. Xavier Carton
PI Laboratory of Ocean Physics and Remote Sensing, European Institute of Marine Science, University of Western Brittany, Brest France IIOE2-EP21
20. Dr. Oliver Steeds
PI Nekton Oxford Deep Ocean Research Institute, Begbroke Science Park, University of Oxford, Oxford United Kingdom IIOE2-EP22
21. Dr. Anil Kumar N
PI NCAOR, Goa India IIOE2-EP23
22. Dr. Jochen Kaempf
PI Flinders University, Adelaide Australia IIOE2-EP24
23. Dr. Alejandra Sanchez-Franks
PI National Oceanography Centre United Kingdom IIOE2-EP25 and IIOE2-EP43
24. Dr. Ashley Johnson
PI Department of Environmental Affairs, Cape Town South Africa IIOE2-EP26
25. Dr. Sergey Travin
PI Head of the Department of Navigation & Oceanography, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Russia IIOE2-EP27
26. Dr. Shigalla Mahongo
PI Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute, Dar es Salaam Tanzania IIOE2-EP28
27. Mr. Jim Costopulos
PI Global Oceans, NY USA IIOE2-EP29
28. Dr. Prabhat Koner
PI Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center; University of Maryland USA IIOE2-EP30
29. Prof.Michael McPhaden
PI NOAA/PMEL,7600 Sand Point Way ,Seattle WA USA IIOE2-EP31
30. Prof.Phil Hosegood
PI University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA United Kingdom IIOE2-EP32
31. Nerida Wilson
PI Western Australian Museum,49 Kew St, 6109, Welshpool, Western Australia Australia IIOE2-EP33
32. Viviane Menezes
PI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI),266 Woods Hole Road, MS321, Woods Hole, MA, 02543 USA IIOE2-EP34 and IIOE2-EP50
33. Dr.Maria Desa
PI CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Goa India IIOE2-EP35
34. Yukio Masumoto
PI Dept. of Earth and Planetary Science, The University of Tokyo Japan IIOE2-EP36 and IIOE2-EP37
35. Eric Achterberg
PI 1.GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum fur Ozeanforschung Kiel , 2. Christian Albrecht Universitat zu Kiel Germany IIOE2-EP38
36. Francis Marsac
PI Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), MARBEC France IIOE2-EP39
37. Tim O'Hara
PI Museums Victoria, GPO Box 666, Melbourne, 3001 Australia IIOE2-EP40
38. Mar Benavides
PI Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO), Campus de Luminy Batiment Mediterranee 13288 Marseille cedex 09 France IIOE2-EP41
39. Ekaterina Popova & Michael Roberts
PI National Oceanography Centre, European Way, Southampton, SO14 3ZH & Nelson Mandela University, Gomery Ave, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth United Kingdom & South Africa IIOE2-EP42
40. Dr. Jasmine. P
PI Zoological Survey of India India IIOE2-EP44
41. D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka
PI Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda Sri Lanka IIOE2-EP45
42. Michael Landry
PI Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego USA IIOE2-EP46
43. Nicole Jones
PI University of Western Australia Australia IIOE2-EP47
44. John Keesing
PI CSIRO Australia IIOE2-EP48
45. Gilles BESSERO
PI Société des Explorations de Monaco (Monaco Explorations) MONACO IIOE2-EP49
46. Dong-Jin Kang
PI Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST) Republic of Korea IIOE2-EP51
47. Birgit Gaye
PI Institute for Geology, University of Hamburg Germany IIOE2-EP52
48. Mar Benavides
PI Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography,Batiment OCEANOMED France IIOE2-EP53
49. Dr. Girishkumar Madathil Sivasankaran
PI Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) India IIOE2-EP54
50. Dr. Marie-Alexandrine Sicre
PI Sorbonne University, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie France IIOE2-EP55
51. Amanda Lombard
PI Nelson Mandela University, Institute for Coastal and Marine Research South Africa IIOE2-EP56
52. Tamaryn Morris
PI South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON) South Africa IIOE2-EP57
Terms of Reference for the Chairs of the Science Themes and Working Groups | Download |
ST-1: Human benefits and impacts
Chair:Dr. Intan Suci Nurhati (Indonesia) inta007[at]lipi[dot]go[dot]id
Ms. Louise Heaps (UK) lheaps[at]wwf[dot]org[dot]uk
ST-2: Boundary current dynamics, upwelling variability and ecosystem impacts
Co-chairs:Prof. Yukio Masumoto (Japan) masumoto[at]eps[dot]s[dot]u-tokyo[dot]ac[dot]jp
Prof. Kawser Ahmed (Bangladesh) kawser_du[at]yahoo[dot]com
Prof. Peng Xiu (China) pxiu[at]scsio[dot]ac[dot]cn
Dr. Rena Czeschel (Germany) rczeschel[at]geomar[dot]de
Dr. Anastasia Rita Tisiana Dwi Kuswardani (Indonesia)
Dr. Iwao Ueki (Japan) uekii[at]jamstec[dot]go[dot]jp
Dr. Vincent Amelie (Seychelles) v.amelie[at]meteo[dot]gov[dot]sc
Dr. Michael Roberts (South Africa) mike.roberts[at]nmmu[dot]ac[dot]za
ST-3: Monsoon variability and ecosystem response
Co-chairs:Prof. Joaquim Goes (USA) Jig[at]ldeo[dot]columbia[dot]edu
Prof. Nicole Aberle-Malzahn (Germany) nicole[dot]aberle-malzahn[at]ntnu[dot]no
Prof. Shankar Doraiswamy (India) shankar[at]nio[dot]org; dshankar67[at]gmail[dot]com
Prof. Raden Dwi Susanto (Indonesia/US) dwisusa[at]umd[dot]edu
Dr. Lubna Hamood Al-kharusi (Oman) lubna[dot]alkharusi[at]gmail[dot]com
Ms. Samina Kidwai (Pakistan) skidwaipk[at]gmail[dot]com
Prof. Benjamin Peter Horton (UK/USA) bphorton[at]marine[dot]rutgers[dot]edu
ST-4: Circulation, climate variability and change
Co-chairs:Dr. Helen Phillips (Australia) h.e.phillips[at]utas[dot]edu[dot]au
Prof. Yue Fang (China) yfang[at]fio[dot]org[dot]cn
Dr. Tarek Mohamed Ahmed El-Geziry (Egypt) tarekelgeziry[at]yahoo[dot]com
Dr. B. Praveen Kumar (India) praveen.b[at]incois[dot]gov[dot]in
Prof. Iskhaq Iskandar (Indonesia)
iskhaq[at]mipa[dot]unsri[dot]ac[dot]id; iskhaq.iskandar[at]
Dr. Motoki Nagura (Japan) nagura[at]jamstec[dot]go[dot]jp
Mr. Balla P. Maggero (Kenya) Sagaaf04[at]gmail[dot]com
Dr. Emily Shroyer (USA) eshroyer[at]coas[dot]oregonstate[dot]edu
ST-5: Extreme events and their impacts on ecosystems and human populations
Chair:Dr. Roxy Mathew Koll (India) roxy[at]tropmet[dot]res[dot]in
Prof. Syamsul Rizal (Indonesia) syamsul.rizal[at]unsyiah[dot]net
Prof. Benjamin Peter Horton (UK/USA) bphorton[at]marine[dot]rutgers[dot]edu
ST-6: Unique geological, physical, biogeochemical, and ecological features of the Indian Ocean
Chair:Dr. Marie-Alexandrine Sicre (France) marie-alexandrine.sicre[at]locean[dot]ipsl[dot]fr
Dr. Nayrah Abd El Nabi Ali Shaltout (Egypt) nshaltout[at]gmail[dot]com
Dr. Pawan Dewangan (India) pdewangan[at]nio[dot]org
Dr. A'an Johan Wahyudi (Indonesia)
aanj001[at]lipi[dot]go[dot]id, ajwahyudi[at]gmail[dot]com
Dr. Makio Honda (Japan) hondam[at]jamstec[dot]go[dot]jp
Captain. Leonid Shalnov (Russia) unio_main[at]mil[dot]ru
Dr. Gregory Cowie (UK) dr[dot]greg[dot]cowie[at]ed[dot]ac[dot]uk
Ms. Aditi Modi (India) aditimodi91[at]gmail[dot]com