[IIOE2-EP49] Monaco Explorations Indian Ocean Expedition
Lead Investigator :
- Gilles BESSERO,Société des Explorations de Monaco (Monaco Explorations),MONACO

Other Key participants (s):
- Francis MARSAC,Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD),France
francis.marsac[at]ird[dot]fr - Hervé CLAUSTRE,Institut de la mer de Villefranche-sur-Mer,France
herve.claustre[at]imev-mer[dot]fr - Nick D’ADAMO,University of Western Australia,Australia
nick.dadamo[at]uwa[dot]edu[dot]au - Didier ZOCCOLA,Centre Scientifique de Monaco, MONACO
zoccola[at]centrescientifique[dot]mc - Margot THIBAULT,Université de la Réunion,France
Period of Project: 1 October 2022 - 30 November 2022
Brief description of the Project:
Monaco Explorations “Indian Ocean Expedition” is the first phase of the “Monaco Explorations” project endorsed as a contribution to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030.The Expedition will cover the area between Reunion Island, Mauritius, and Seychelles with a strong focus on the Saya de Malha Bank and the following objectives:
- Improving the understanding of the ecosystem status and functioning of the area explored through a multidisciplinary scientific approach and advising stakeholders through a holistic scientific approach (sustainability science).
- Sharing the issues and knowledge with the greatest possible number of people through an ambitious outreach programme.
- Through diplomatic action, mobilizing governments and informing policies by making available information and analyses to support the sustainable management of maritime areas.