Noting that a well-organized, professional and efficient outreach and communication programme and promotional campaign as part of IIOE-2 will have the benefit of providing the IIOE-2 with visibility, the following core objectives have been identified in the Implementation Strategy:
- Develop an IIOE-2 Communication Strategy and related Implementation Plan to ensure that the 'IIOE-2' is effectively communicated and that its brand is consistently applied and highly visible to all potential stakeholders
- Develop, implement and maintain an IIOE-2 website
- Capture and build interest in IIOE-2 amongst the general public through a public event and promotional materials campaign.
- Showcase and promote the relevancies of the IIOE-2 research being undertaken and its impacts and benefits across the scientific, cultural, social and economic spheres and directly link IIOE-2 research activities to related communication initiatives
- Maintain a regular and current dissemination mode of cross-cutting information and general news and specific announcements for IIOE-2.
- Promotion of IIOE-2 via presentations and contributions at local, national scientific and institutional forums.
- Provide the full IIOE-2 constituency with an avenue for information, general communication and queries on all aspects of IIOE-2.
The Outreach and Communications Working Group is headed by Dr. Faiza Al Yamani of the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Safat, Kuwait (>faizayamani@gmail.com).
Terms of Reference
- Develop an IIOE-2 Communication Strategy and related Implementation Plan toensure that the 'IIOE-2' is effectively communicated and that its brand is consistentlyapplied and highly visible to all potential stakeholders.
- Develop, implement and maintain an IIOE-2 website.
- Capture and build interest in IIOE-2 amongst the general public through a public eventand promotional materials campaign.
- Showcase and promote the relevancies of the IIOE-2 research being undertaken andits impacts and benefits across the scientific, cultural, social and economic spheres anddirectly link IIOE-2 research activities to related communication initiatives
- Maintain a regular and current dissemination mode of cross-cutting information andgeneral news and specific announcements for IIOE-2.
- Promotion of IIOE-2 via presentations and contributions at local, national scientific andinstitutional forums.
- Provide the full IIOE-2 constituency with an avenue for information, generalcommunication and queries on all aspects of IIOE-2.