[IIOE2-EP16] Real-Time Meteorological and Oceanographic Data collection using Moored Buoy Network in Indian Seas (OON-INDIA)
Cruise No. EP16-1
Period of Cruise: 28 January - 03 March, 2017
Chief Scientist: Venkatesh Chinni, PRL, India venkatesh@prl.res.in
The GEOTRACES-INDIA cruise was successfully undertaken along the GEOTRACES section GI-10 in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea between 28 January and 03 March 2017 on board ORV Sagar Kanya. During the cruise, water, sediment and aerosol samples were collected from 25 stations, besides 51 CTD casts with trace-metal clean seawater sampling system, for studies on the biogeochemical cycles of trace elements and their isotopes. In addition, McLANE water pumping system was used for the first time to collect particulate matter at different depths from five stations.
The participants included scientists from PRL, Ahmedabad, NIO, Regional Centre, Vishakhapatnam, Mangalore University, Mangalore and NCAOR, Goa.
Cruise Summary Report List of Participants

Planned Cruise Track