ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)


Ocean Observations Data and Information & Communication Technology (ODICT) Group
Mr. E Pattabhi Rama Rao, Scientist 'G' is designated as Group Director, Ocean Observations, Data and Information & Communication Technology(ODICT) Group and will oversee three (3) divisions with the following key responsibilities and scientific personnel:
Scientist-G & Group Director, ODICT


Scientist-F & Division Head, OON

Scientist-F & Division Head, ICT

Key Responsibilities :
  • In-situ and Satellite Data reception and processing
  • Generation and validation of satellite data products
  • Ocean Data Management and Data Services
  • National Oceanographic Data Centre and Argo Data Centre
Scientific Personnel :
Scientific Assistant - B
Scientific Assistant - A
Key Responsibilities :
  • Design and implement an integrated ocean and coastal observing network in support of institutional and national mandate, dovetailing into the international Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) framework.
  • Ocean observing platforms to be managed include Argo, Drifters, Coastal Current Meter Moorings, Equatorial Current Meter Moorings, XBT, Tsunami Buoys, Tide Gauges, GNSS, Flux Mooring, uCTDs, Gliders, UAVs, Coastal Buoys, Wave Rider Buoys, Ship-based AWS, Wave Heigh Meters, new platforms, etc.
  • Implement process-specific observational campaigns and data analysis, to enable better representation of ocean, coastal and atmosphere processes in numerical models (Coastal Monitoring, Satellite Oceanography,Monsoon Mission, Deep Ocean Mission, etc.) .
  • Operations and maintenance of analytical laboratories (HPLC, wet-lab, CFNA, IRMS) and National Global Test Facility.
Scientific Personnel :
Scientific Assistant-B
Junior Research Fellow
Senior Research fellow
Senior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Key Responsibilities :
  • Computing Facilities: Planning, implementation and augmentation of IT infrastructure including system administration, data centres, disaster recovery sites, IT security, etc.
  • Communication Facilities: Planning, implementation and augmentation of communication infrastructure including integration of communication channels with observation platforms and dissemination channels including GAGAN, NAVIC, EDBs, etc.
  • Application Software Development: Design, development and maintenance of application software including tsunami DSS, Digital Ocean, websites, mobile applications, and social media channels, etc.
  • Engineering Services and Estate Management: Operations, maintenance and augmentation of electrical, HVAC & civil infrastructure including estate management services including work place hygiene, landscaping, water, canteen, guest house, hostels, residential quarters and liaison with state / central departments for engineering works, etc.
Scientific Personnel :
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-B
Scientific Assistant-A
Scientific Assistant-A
Scientific Assistant-A