SIBER (Sustained Indian Ocean. Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research.) is an international program co-sponsored by IMBER (Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research) and IOGOOS (Indian Ocean Global Ocean Observing System) that is focused on the Indian Ocean. SIBER has been instrumental in motivating the international community to envision and adopt IIOE-2 as a major scientific program over the period 2015-2020. It has also played an important role in developing IIOE-2 Science Plan and Implementation Strategy. The overarching goal of the SIBER program is to motivate and coordinate international interest in Indian Ocean research in order to improve our understanding of the role of the Indian Ocean in global biogeochemical cycles and the interaction between these cycles and marine ecosystem dynamics. This understanding will be required in order to predict the impacts of climate change, eutrophication and harvesting on the global oceans and the Earth System and it is fundamental to policy makers in the development of management strategies for the globally important Indian Ocean.
Dr. Raleigh Hood, Professor and Chair, SIBER
Dr. Satya Prakash, Secretary, SIBER-International Programme